"… 'course the clock's set to Miami time. " - Tom

This is me. Plain old me. I have always been one to want to try all sorts of new hairstyles and often times I use myself as the guinea pig. For instance, about 2 years ago I decided I wanted a super short cut, so I went and had about 7 inches lopped off, and was left with what you see in my profile picture. I have since grown my hair back out to about shoulder length, but I still often get the itch to let my hair tango with a pair of scissors. Luckily I have Mr. Hot-Pilot who forbade me from cutting my hair. When I told him I was getting my hair trimmed, I had to soothingly talk him into the idea.
Me : I'm getting a trim on Thursday...just to keep it healthy and growing well.
HP : Why cut it at all?? That makes NO SENSE! You cut it to keep it growing longer? Where is the SENSE IN THAT?
Me : I need my hair to stay healthy...the longer I wait the more they will have to trim off-this way they barely trim any. I promise, you won't even notice! I blow-dry my hair everyday, it has split ends!
HP : Well don't blow dry your hair then!
Me : I have to or I look like a Q-tip! It is scraggly and stringy and I look homeless.
HP : Oh come on, I'm sure it is GREAT! (notice him trying to find alternatives to my cutting my hair) Look, the next time you are visiting, don't blow dry your hair and we will see if it looks bad...and DON'T purposefully make yourself look bad!
Me : I promise you won't even notice the trim...it will look the same only better.
HP : Oh, I'll notice....
So anyway as you can see I have a long hair lover on my hands. So what is a girl to do when she gets the itch for a new 'do? Well, I stumbled across the website TAAZ, where you can upload your picture and mess around with cool hair and make-up ideas. So here are a few that I made :

Jessica Simpson anyone?:

Oh so fun!
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